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Opal solutions - Recentrons la santé sur l'humain
CHU Saint-Pierre
Clinique Saint-Luc Bouge
Clinique Saint Pierre Ottignies
Hopital Erasme

Digital technology in the service of care.

Digitization is revolutionizing the healthcare sector by providing new opportunities to improve business processes, optimize quality of care, and address current challenges such as the nursing shortage and increased workload for healthcare professionals.

Opal solutions - Recentrons la santé sur l'humain

Our expertise in the hospital sector allows us to provide a suite of efficient and easy-to-use digital tools for managing your resources and skills within your establishment. From the management of the internship process to the organization of training courses, including the calculation of workloads and the management of mobile teams.

Our software for healthcare institutions and schools helps hundreds of healthcare professionals and trainees every day to save thousands of hours of administrative work each year.


By measuring the workload of the nursing staff, Careboard provides a real decision-making aid, while facilitating communication between the various actors in the hospital.

  • Real-time activity monitoring

  • A tool for managers and nurses

More informations about Careboard
Staff management
Centralized view of activities
& collaboration
Quality of
work life
Informations about
your trainees
Compliance with quotas
& places


Our internship management platform for nurses facilitates collaboration between coordinators, supervisors and students. Leave room for the essentials: training and mentoring future talent.

  • Direct communication between hospitals and schools

  • 80% reduction in administrative tasks

More informations about Interneo


Formeo simplifies and optimizes the organization of training courses, their registration and evaluation. It also offers a mapping of the skills of the members of the department in order to allocate the right person, at the right time, to the right place.

  • Save time in the organization

  • Digitalization and centralization of information

More informations about Formeo
Skills mapping
Statistics et reportings
Easy communication
Digital evaluations
and registrations
Management of pools
Process automation
Continuity of care
Centralized requests


The essential tool for dynamic management of nursing and temporary staff reinforcements. Simplify the coordination and assignment of your replacement staff with Externeo. Ensure impeccable continuity of care while optimizing your operational costs.

  • Real-time analysis of staffing needs and availability

  • Automated processes for managing requests for back-up staff

More informations about Externeo

Solutions created for security.

Health data is particularly critical and requires enhanced protection.

This confidential data and privacy is respected and protected in Careboard and Interneo.

Our softwares are…

Designed to meet the requirements of the GDPR.

Hosted on European servers.

Meet the most prestigious standards in the industry.

We save them

Direct connection
to the industry’s IT solutions.

We have adapted our software to the needs of hospitals and schools. Careboard and Interneo are directly connected to the most popular software.

BDoc, Pep, Wish StaffPlanner, XCare, H+

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