Opal Solutions
  • CanalZ StLuc Bouge

Solutions to relieve caregivers : Opal Solutions revolutionises hospital staff management

Opal Solutions is revolutionising hospital staff management with its innovative software. Optimise schedules, reinforce teams at the right time and relieve carers so that they can concentrate on what's important: caring for patients.

By |2024-03-05T11:21:15+01:0014 November 2022|Careboard, Press|Comments Off on Solutions to relieve caregivers : Opal Solutions revolutionises hospital staff management
  • Véritable raison pénurie infirmier

Burn-out, recruitment and nursing shortage: breaking the vicious circle

Shortage of nurses: a major challenge for our healthcare system. Breaking the vicious circle of excessive workloads and burn-out is becoming crucial to guaranteeing quality patient care. This article explores the causes and solutions for improving the situation.

By |2024-02-28T15:32:27+01:0014 November 2022|Careboard, Interneo, News|Comments Off on Burn-out, recruitment and nursing shortage: breaking the vicious circle