Let’s give time back to nurses.

Careboard measures workload and provides a comprehensive view of nursing activity.

More informations about Careboard


Clinique Saint-Luc Bouge
Hopital Erasme
CHU Saint-Pierre

Join Careboard.

Open up your facility to an innovative solution for measuring your staff’s workload and well-being. Take part in a more human approach to care management, not only to raise the quality of services, but also to create a working environment where you listen to your staff’s needs.

Encoded feedback

Careboard, a daily tool.

Careboard outil calcul de la charge de travail

Vision of your staff’s workload

Careboard analyzes data collected from the field to help you manage your resources. Keep control of your nurses’ workload.

Real-time and forecasted workload calculation

The data is used in real time to measure the workload and to calculate future activity. An effective aid for daily management.

Software that listens to
to the field

Careboard collects feedback from the field directly in the application. Reach out to your staff via the software’s messaging system and react immediately to problems.

Assemble your entire hospital

The different actors of the establishment are gathered on Careboard: management, executives, mobile team, department heads and care units.

A valuable tool for nursing executives and managers.

With a real-time view of hospital events, executives and managers can manage their units and departments more responsively.

Analyses are simplified by collecting field data and putting it into statistical form.

Infirmière outil mesure charge en soin Careboard

Direct connection to hospital IT solutions

Careboard is connected to the solutions already used by hospitals to reduce repetitive administrative tasks and improve the functioning of the various software.

Jocelyn Wanzoul

Help is just a click away

Our teams are available in one click via the help button present in Careboard.

Our employees are reactive and respond as quickly as possible, for the greatest satisfaction of our users.

Continuous improvement.

Careboard is constantly evolving and can be enhanced with add-on modules.

Prévision de la charge de travail en soin

Forecast Module

Anticipation of future workloads through forecasting.

Statistique charge en soin activité infirmier

Advanced statistics

Direct data export to Business Intelligence software.

Connexion aux autres solutions

Integrated module

Connect Interneo, Formeo and other solutions directly to Careboard

Module infectieux Careboard outil chagre en soin

Infectious monitoring module

Monitoring des infections en temps réel et automatisé, par unité et par service.

More informations ?

Contact us

Our users are talking about Careboard.

“Careboard is the heart of the units I have to manage. It has become an indispensable tool for the daily management of resources.”

Danielle Declercq, CHU Saint-Pierre

Careboard helps us put patients first.
This software fits our reality, it works and we need to use it.

Christiane Van Loo, CHU Saint-Pierre

Careboard is not just about numbers. Its purpose is to help field staff. We got around that by including workload feedback.

Isabelle Fontenelle, CHU Saint-Pierre

Schedule a demonstration.

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