The lack of nursing staff is a recurrent problem in many countries, and Belgium and France are no exception.

Understanding the causes of the nursing shortage, exploring solutions

It’s a problem that affects many countries, including our own. In Belgium, the situation is particularly serious in the province of Luxembourg, where nurses are leaving for the Grand Duchy. Attracted by more attractive salaries and working conditions, they are leaving our healthcare system in droves.

The situation is hardly any better in France, where nurses are leaving to work abroad in search of a better quality of life.

Training, yes, but not just training!

While training new professionals is essential, it is not enough to stem the crisis. We also need to improve working conditions to keep nurses in the profession.

A difficult and demanding profession

Nursing is far from an easy job. The Covid-19 pandemic was a stark reminder of this. Heavy workloads, constant pressure, health risks… There are many factors that lead to exhaustion and departure.

To ensure a healthy and fulfilling working environment, healthcare establishments need to offer their staff optimum framework conditions. This includes a safe and healthy working environment, as well as opportunities for professional development. Refocusing healthcare on people is also crucial. The well-being of patients and carers must be an absolute priority, because it is in contact with patients that nurses find the most satisfaction.

In the Belgian province of Luxembourg, the Vivalia intermunicipal association has introduced a “well-being plan” to enable nurses to concentrate on their nursing work, in addition to providing logistical and administrative support. In France, discussions are underway to upgrade the profession.

In France, the situation is no less worrying.

Attracted by more attractive salaries and working conditions, many choose to work in other European countries. To stop this haemorrhage, it is crucial to implement measures similar to those taken in Belgium, by improving working conditions and raising the profile of the nursing profession.

Only a comprehensive approach will provide a lasting solution to the nursing shortage. This means addressing pay, working conditions and the quality of working life for nurses. The political authorities must show vision and put in place concrete measures to halt the exodus of nurses and guarantee the continuity of healthcare.

Acting for the future: technological solutions to tackle the nursing shortage


As well as objectively measuring nurses’ workloads, Careboard also enables teams to organise themselves better and distribute tasks more fairly. Less stress, less fatigue, more peace of mind: it’s good for nurses and patients!

Careboard offers a system for qualitatively assessing the perception of care workloads using smileys. This system allows teams to give their opinion on their workload and job satisfaction. In this way, hospital managers can quickly identify teams in difficulty and put in place measures to support them and improve their day-to-day work.

Careboard also allows teams to give their opinion on their work. Hospital managers can then identify teams in difficulty and help them. People are at the heart of healthcare: by avoiding overwork, nurses can devote more time to their patients.

The exodus of nurses is a major public health issue in Belgium and France. It is crucial to implement concrete solutions to remedy this situation. Careboard offers a precise measurement of workload with the aim of improving quality of life at work. This solution can help retain nurses in their profession and improve the quality of care for all.

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The Interneo solution could also help to stem the exodus of nurses from Belgium and France. This tool puts nursing schools and hospitals in touch with each other. It’s easier to find trainees and keep track of them, which is good for both students and healthcare establishments.

What’s more, thanks to Interneo, hospitals and clinics can establish stronger links with nursing schools, as they are both able to allocate their trainee needs. Interneo also enables hospitals to identify and recruit the best students. Competent professionals who have already been assessed: a valuable asset for patients and hospitals alike.

The Interneo platform is playing a crucial role in combating the shortage of nurses. By facilitating collaboration between schools and care institutions, it helps to better connect supply and demand for professionals. Interneo also helps to retain students by offering them concrete job prospects and supporting them throughout their training. Finally, the platform encourages communication and collaboration between the various players in the sector, thereby helping to constantly improve the quality of training and care.

Discover Interneo

In short, Careboard and Interneo are two practical solutions designed to improve the day-to-day lives of carers and help them stay in their jobs. This is essential if we are to guarantee high-quality care for all.

The vocational crisis in nursing is a major challenge for Belgium and France. By investing in the well-being and recognition of healthcare professionals, we can halt the trend and guarantee a serene future for our healthcare system. Because let’s never forget: behind every white coat is a human being dedicated to the well-being and health of others.

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