Review of 2022: a year rich in achievements

It’s been an incredibly busy year for Opal Solutions! We’ve achieved a great deal and are grateful to the 17 new institutions and more than 10,000 users who have put their trust in us.

It’s a real pleasure to work with you and help improve healthcare.

Formeo, a success in the making

Launched at the start of the year, our training management platform, Formeo, has already won over 3 institutions: CHIREC, Groupe Jolimont and CHU Saint-Pierre. Formeo not only organises training, it also helps hospitals to map and develop the skills of their staff on an institutional scale.

2022, the year of Interneo

13 new institutions have joined the platform, and the number of registered placements has exploded. The platform has helped to manage more than 22,000 placements, or 242,000 days of work experience.

+ 13 client institutions (hospitals and schools)

+ More than 8700 new users

+ More than 22,000 internships created

+ More than 242,000 training days created

The start of the new academic year in September confirmed Interneo’s positive impact in the healthcare sector, making life easier for hospitals, schools and students.

But our commitment didn’t stop there. In addition to Formeo, we have launched new products and enhanced our existing services. We’re proud of our achievements and look forward to building on them in 2023.

A year full of opportunities

In addition, our participation in various events and conferences has enabled us to meet new people, share our ideas and expertise, and collaborate with many partners on exciting projects.

OSantExpo: a successful conference

Our CEO, Xavier Rouby, gave a lecture at the SantExpo trade fair in Paris, attended by over 25,000 healthcare professionals, on the shortage of nurses and the solutions already in place and being used in Belgian hospitals to remedy the problem.

Interneo nominated for the Agoria Digital Society Awards in the eHealth category

This event aims to highlight the collaborations between companies and public institutions that work to improve the daily lives of citizens. Even though we didn’t win, we are proud to have shown everyone in the industry how our internship management solution helps the daily lives of thousands of users.

Opal Solutions meets with Quebec

In December, we went on a mission to Quebec to exchange views with experts and players in the care sector. The trip confirmed that challenges such as the nursing shortage are universal, and that sharing experiences is crucial to finding innovative solutions.

Our main orientations for 2023

The shortage of nurses is a threat to the quality of care and patient safety. In 2023, we are committed to valuing and supporting nurses by investing in their well-being.

Thanks to investment in continuous training, workload calculation and the creation of a favourable working environment, we can improve the motivation and retention of nurses. By enhancing the value of the entire care chain, we can combat the shortage of nursing staff and improve the quality of care for all.

We are looking forward to continuing to develop and contribute to the improvement of the care sector through innovative and humane solutions.

Many thanks to all our customers, partners and employees for their trust and support. It’s thanks to you that we can move forward and make a difference.

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Watch Opal Solutions’ 2022 Year in Review Video

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