It is a fact: the already existing shortage of nursing profiles on the job market is accentuated by the COVID-19 pandemic. Care units are working just-in-time, combining a heavy workload with fewer available staff. The iris Network is implementing a strategy to digitalize the management of nursing internships. The objective is to reduce administrative tasks and refocus care on the essential: the human being.

Each year, the 5 hospitals of the iris Network welcome nearly 1,400 nursing interns, spread over 11 different sites. The management and organization of these internships represent a real challenge. Indeed, the trainees may come several times a year, in various departments, according to different schedules. The iris Network’s priority was to lighten the hospitals’ workload. This is why they acquired Interneo.

Benefits of nursing internship management software

The platform designed by Opal Solutions offers the possibility of digitizing the entire organization. It offers a double advantage:

  • It reduces by 80% the administrative and time-consuming tasks related to students (1.5 FTE/1000 internships)
  • and streamlines the recruitment process.

A recruitment database for hospitals, by hospitals.

This last point is explained by the fact that interns represent a pool of qualified, motivated candidates who have already been evaluated by the teams. This also facilitates the search work of the Recruitment Department.

“The use of a nursing internship management software such as Interneo allows us to focus our recruitment efforts on the nursing interns attending our facilities during their studies. This way we create our own recruitment pools per hospital, instead of trying to fish in the competitive national waters of Belgium,” said Alessandro Suriano, Manager of the iris Network Recruitment & Retention Task Force.

The additional resources and time saved can be allocated to the benefit of the patient and the quality of care provided.

We are delighted to welcome the 5 iris Network hospitals into the Interneo ecosystem.

The iris network is composed of 3 general hospitals (CHU Brugmann, CHU Saint-Pierre and Iris-Sud Hospitals) and 2 specialized hospitals (HUDERF and the Jules Bordet Institute) spread over 11 sites. Together they represent 2328 beds in the Brussels care basin.

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