Optimising hospital staff management

Imagine a hospital where caregivers are no longer overwhelmed by administrative tasks, a world where schedules are optimised, teams are reinforced at the right time and the workload is distributed fairly. That’s what Opal Solutions is offering with Careboard: an innovative platform that is revolutionising hospital staff management.

Founded in 2016, Opal solutions understands the day-to-day challenges faced by carers. One of its platforms, Careboard, optimises the management of teams and temporary reinforcements required by various hospital departments.

Save time for carergivers with Careboard

The platform enables you to :

  • Manage schedules, taking into account the needs of each department and staff availability,
  • Identify overload situations and send reinforcements in real time,
  • Digitise processes such as information transmission and absence management,
  • Communicate smoothly and efficiently between teams.

The result? Precious time saved for carers, who can concentrate on what’s most important: taking care of patients.

Opal Solutions has already convinced a large number of clinics and hospitals in Brussels and some in Wallonia.

Thibaut Golard – Deputy head nurse of the mobile teams Clinique Saint-Luc Bouge

Our role in the mobile team is to help teams that need support. We use Careboard to assess the workload in the teams independently. So with this view of the workload, we can be much more efficient in allocating support teams.

Last year, with the crisis, the company was faced with 4 times more requests than usual. Opal Solutions is now looking to accelerate its growth, as well as expanding into new markets such as Flanders and France.

The future of hospital staff management is in good hands. With Opal Solutions, healthcare professionals can finally concentrate on their primary mission: providing care.

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