The challenge: training tools that can be improved

Healthcare staff are required to undergo regular training, but the tools available in hospitals don’t always make the task easy. Formeo has been designed to simplify the management of training and skills, for the benefit of trainers, coordinators and participants.

Evolving care techniques

Care techniques are constantly evolving, and care staff need to update their skills regularly. This contributes to the personal and professional development of carers, while improving the quality of care. Numerous training courses are organised to meet this need, but organising and managing them can be time-consuming.

Faced with this situation, we created Formeo. With this tool, our objective is to simplify the entire training process, from organization to follow-up and evaluation. This ease of access concerns both the organizers and the participants of the training courses.

The solution for managing training and skills in your hospital

Avec Formeo, les compétences du personnel sont cartographiées. Cet outil aide les gestionnaires à savoir qui possède les compétences recherchées et peuvent affecter les postes plus facilement.

“Before, <…> it was several people managing the registrations. Now it’s Formeo that takes care of it all and users sign up with one click. The whole registration flow is automated, it’s an invaluable time saver and it greatly facilitates administrative management.”
Danielle Declercq (ICS -training cell), user of the first version of Formeo directly integrated into Careboard.

Formeo’s strengths

All Formeo users have a profile in the platform, whether they are simple participants or organizers.

From an organizer’s perspective

  • Dashboard

As an organizer, you can check at any time the number of registrations, cancellations, last-minute changes and attendance on the day of the training. This allows you to optimize your training schedule in real time, based on the participation rate and their evaluation. All this data is accessible via Formeo and can be used in statistics, which can be easily exported.

Statistiques des formations dans Formeo
  • Competency mapping

The training data of your department is structured and allows you to take stock of the training path of your staff. The follow-up of training courses and easily accessible certificates facilitate internal mobility.

From a legal point of view and for the social balance sheet, Formeo allows you to ensure the traceability of training while justifying it.

From the participants’ point of view

As a participant, you have permanent access to the training catalog made available by your department. 

First, you create your training passport. This will allow you to identify and certify your skills online directly from our platform.

You can independently consult all the information concerning the training courses such as the number of places available, the dates, the location, the trainer, the other participants, etc.

Once you have chosen a course, you can register in one click. The administrator will simply validate the registration request.

From your profile, you can consult your past and future training courses to download the certificates or not miss any practical information.

Tableau de bord des formations planifiées dans Formeo

An investment for the hospital

Ongoing training for healthcare staff is much more than a means of improving the quality of care: it is also an attractive factor for your hospital as an employer. Spending on continuing training should be seen as an essential investment in strategies for developing and improving services and the quality of care.

In conclusion, Formeo is a simple, intuitive and comprehensive tool that simplifies the management of training and skills in hospitals. It is a valuable asset for organisers and participants, and a profitable investment for the establishment.

Discover Formeo

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